Saturday, December 30, 2006

united united top of the league

g'day, it's greg.

4am and i've just finished watching united beat reading 3-2. and with chelsea only managing a draw against fulham it's happy days.

well i best get to bed soon as we're off to melbourne for new years eve tomorrow, that means there will be some new photos for you all to look forward to.

just wanted to share my delight with the blog!

hope everyone is okay


David Nield said...


David Nield said...

glad you managed to catch the game today, Amy I bet you were dancing round the room.

Anonymous said...

happy new year to all of you!!!hope you had a good itallain meal, and the fireworks where up to my own grand standard we`re still to have our new year off to stevens to do it in style!!!!love and kisses

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year my darling nephew.

Off to Delph to let 2007 in. Now that is better than 3-2 win anytime.... think so.

Nicola is in Hong Kong at the moment. Donna going for a Stoke Curry.

Have fun my love. Aunty Deborah xx

Anonymous said...

come on greg and amy get this blog updated !!!

amy and greg said...

well mum, your wish is our command

Anonymous said...

hey! fleneth here! sorry i havent said hello sooner, everything looks amazing. Personally i spent the new year in leeds, however i doubt it was up to the grand standards of melbourne! did manage to lose my phone in a drunken stupor tho, so it wasnt a complete hope everything is as good as it seems to be in your blog (indeed if it is i am extremely jealous). oh and greg.... i got a half century on the beach in wales! its not quite test match but i thought id rub it in anyway! love ya