claire had checked the boot and said there was no spare tyre so they called for a tow-truck... when we got there and checked under the carpet in the boot we found a tyre so marra changed it for them.

after having lunch in brunswick street (melbourne's equivalent of camden town or manchester's northern quarter) we took the tram back into the centre and had a look around.
tori showed us federation square and the national gallery of victoria (the weird building behind us that looks like shattered glass). marra took pictures of himself. and the wind made my hair look like russel brand's.

after this we went to the main shopping area for a look around a few shops and stopped for an iced chocolate on the way. we saw this amazing shop where they make rock and lollies and you can actually see them making them, we stood outside watching them for a bit longer than was needed.

on first impressions we agreed that melbourne was a bit like manchester, less tourist places than london but full of quirky area's. it seemed a lot bigger than manchester though, and there are sky scrapers everywhere!
from melbourne we took the car out to st. kilda and stopped on acland street which is famed for it's continental cake shops. we stopped at one though me and greg were still full from our iced chocolate. st. kilda is by the sea and marra compared the sea front to blackpool... i could see what he meant but it was a LOT nicer than blackpool!
we'll definitely be going back into melbourne to visit the crown casino (which marra raves about) and of course the melbourne cricket ground, but also to have another look round, we didn't get chance to take it all in in one day there.
once we'd got home and had tea we went to a local bar for a few pots. i'm sure phil and gc will be happy to see that there was a bookies inside the bar!

we're off to bed shortly as it's an early start tomorrow with united kicking off at 7am.
hope everyone is well.
x x x
I like the shot of Greg with a minature version of a pint. Also the action shots of Marra changing a tyre. Is there a competition as to who can leave the most comments before you come home? It must be between me and Percy and Jes.
dad says to tell you he,s going match with andy not just watching on tv!!!cheek or what, melbourne sounds really good !! what about the clothes shop etc, the p in n/s corner of rear window on car does that mean she passed/or learning can you drive yourself with an over 21 exp person ? or alone xx
That glass is in perfect proportion for you, Greg. Imagine what it'll be like when Phil gets there, it'll be empty before he's paid for it.
Dave,you're on, what's the prize? Current scores (for I have nothing better to do with my time)
Percy: 13 (inc. this one)
Dave: 7
Jes: 6
In the battle of the mum's, Greg's mum is racing away with 5 to Amy's mum's 1. Step up you're game Mrs W!
I believe that drivers have to display the P's till their 21 or for 3 years after they've passed their test.
If they don't display them and get caught i think they get a 150 dollar fine (around 60 pound) and 3 points on the licence.
Ok ok .... so I didn't use your match ticket.. but hey, I can beat the flat tyre. Yesterday driving along heard a big big banging noise - slowed down thought my exhaust was blowing and holy smoke my flipping wheel - not tyre was hanging off. Haa haa.. God was with me that day.
What time do you have lunches are causing topics of conversation galore at work.
Hey WAHOO, she sends her regards and poor Tina failed her British Citizanship test. Poor her :(
Greg, could you strike a pose on the photos please.
this makes 6!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good on yer Cobbers. You're obviously having a great time. We three Pensioners are VERY envious here at the Club. (But the beer here is probably better !!!)
JAck, Alf and Doug.
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