Tuesday, November 28, 2006

getting up at 2pm

because we watched the football and didn't get to bed til around 5am, we slept right through til 2pm!

when we finally got up we went to marra's work... the barking dog, for some chips and drinks, i had an amazing iced chocolate and greg had his "lemon shit" (it's not shit, he just didn't know what it was called and so that name stuck).

after that we went back to marra's house, dancing all the way...

it's parmy night on a monday so we went to the barking dog with some of marra's mates for tea. for those who don't know... a parmy is a massive piece of chicken in breadcrumbs, with a tomatoey sauce, cheese and ham on top. nice, but massive and way too much... i left half of mine... but greg finished it off for me.

after that we went back to marra's and watched 'secret window'. it was really good.

today we are off to the beach as it is meant to be a quite warm today, so we best go get ready.

x x x


Anonymous said...

There is this, sort of theory, that we make computers more and more intelligent, so we allow computers to do things we normally do, like fishing, and stuff like that.

And eventually we'll make computers that can do things we can't do, like... come up with the opposite of the word 'placard'.

But I think that's bollocks.

Night Night x

amy and greg said...

People pay tax so you can stay up at 2.55am typing bollocks.


Anonymous said...

Good dancing photos on this one.