Monday, November 27, 2006

sunday night

last night we started out at the barking dog before moving on to a club called lamby's in geelong. we met a few of marra's mates and shared a pot or two.

we got a lift home from lamby's at 2.30am via the 24 hour supermarket and settled in for the 3am kick off.

very briefly i wanted to be back in manchester watching the reds, then when i saw people in the crowd wearing big coats and the darkness falling at 4.30pm i knew where i'd rather be.


Anonymous said...

well g`day young man "wrong" according to your dad it was too warm with those big coats on !!!!!!!!!!! but you right better there than marple love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

that's 'cause Dad had long john's 3x t-shirts 2x jumpers 3x pairs of socks and his coat on. Edmund Hilary would of been roasting in Dad's gear !!