Saturday, November 25, 2006

chinese food and dry martini's

yesterday was really good, we went to the beach for lunch, then to the english style pub for a few pots.

after that we went round to one of marra's mates houses for a bit then had a chinese, which wasn't as good as marple house but it did the job.

marra was working in the evening at the barking dog, so we went down there for a drink and met marra's dad, who then took us on to the elephant and castle where we met a few of his mates.

i asked if they had any dry martini and the barman said they did, i asked if i could have it topped up with coke, he looked at me a bit funnily but agreed, he came back with a massive martini glass full of a martini james bond style with the olive and everything and asked if i wanted coke... aparantly they don't have our martini over here. i looked like a right idiot. they only have cinzano. oops. i only drank a bit of it, it was so strong, gin vodka etc with a tiny bit of coke.

greg got some stick off the aussie blokes for england's performance in the cricket. but he gave as good as he got.

today i think we are going to go into geelong and wander round the shops for a bit... if we can find our way there... marra is playing cricket so we have to catch the bus. then maybe go see him at cricket later. the weathers not as nice today, was fairly hot yesterday, bit overcast now, otherwise we probably would have gone to watch marra all day while sitting in the sun.

well, off to get ready to go out.

looks like greg is going to get some more stick today as england have just lost a couple of wickets.... (can you tell that greg wrote that? i haven't a clue whats going on with the cricket... and quite frankly don't care)

anyway, take care, missing everyone already, love us x x x


Anonymous said...

You should care! and tell those nasty Aussie's to pick on someone their own size.

amy and greg said...

james, it would take two big grahams for this fella to pick on someone his own size.

Anonymous said...

James have you nothing better to do at 4.58am

Anonymous said...

Nothing. The evening session didn't start til 5am, I was just passing the time. You'd sort him out, he'd never catch you if you ran, he's legless.