Friday, February 23, 2007

lost blog

we just wrote out a really long post and put lots of pictures on and it crashed, we were sat here for over 70 minutes. we're too mad to do it again, haha.

so you'll have to wait til we get somewhere else okay.

x x x


Anonymous said...

No i will not wait, i want it now!!! Im having withdrawal symptoms!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my favourite blog so far. x

David Nield said...

this is the funniest blog post so far. Greg we're playing football at 3pm if you're around. Jack you're welcome too, bring some boots.

David Nield said...

that sounds a bit sexist really, Amy, Jes, Hayley, all are welcome, just turn up at Brabyn's.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i didnt come, i was having my boots dry cleaned

Anonymous said...

i would have come to football, dave,but i didn't see the blog until it was too late. maybe next time. and i've got some new boots.

Anonymous said...

no one invited me thats not fair !!!!

Anonymous said...

no one ivited me

Anonymous said...

I think we are all getting so bored waiting for this lost blog from Amy and Greg that we have had to resort to talking about football!!! Amy and Greg ~ save me now!!!!!!!!

David Nield said...

hi everyone, it's an open invite really, all abilities considered, watch this space for future matches. Hayley we can talk about something else if you want?

Anonymous said...

Lets talks about fainting goats!! Go on my myspace page and watch my vid, it very funny!! I was only joking, i know you boys cant talk about much else.

David Nield said...

whoa that's a weird video. where do you find this stuff from?

Anonymous said...

where are you ?

Anonymous said...

that must have been some glacier you have climbed are you stuck at the top?????

Anonymous said...

update!!! just had a look at the josef no wonder you still up there !!enjoy xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

It comes from working in a very boring office Dave!
We are obviously keeping ourselves occupied whilst waiting for a blog update! haha

David Nield said...

Hayley try, it can be funny sometimes. well it keeps us entertained. Amy and Greg have got more interesting things to do than go on the Internet... we, however, haven't!