Friday, February 16, 2007

auckland to mercury bay

hello everyone, just a quick one as we don't have much time on here.

we made it safely to auckland, stayed there last night in a nice hostel and went out for a meal.

early this morning we got on the kiwi bus and set off for mercury bay.

on the way we made a few stops, first was mt. eden a dormant volcano that gave 360 degree views of auckland, the best stop being a beach just near cathedral cove... we were meant to be going there but that cove was closed for the filming of the 2nd narnia film! we saw a couple of helicoptors moving big boxes.

unfortunately we couldn't get close enough to see anything to do with the filming.

we're now in mercury bay at the hostel, which is nice and clean and has a good atmosphere.

tomorrow we head to rotorua where we spend the night.

we've taken quite a few photo's already but can't upload them from this computer. so we'll do that when we can.

we'll be in touch again as soon as we can.

x x x

ps. hayley, do you mean the estate agents that was sykes waterhouse. sykes waterhouse was SHIT. infact if i was going to work for any estate agents it'd be andrews and co or an independant one. the one in marple bridge is part of countrywide which are shit. it's up to you but i'm warning you estate agency work is not as glamorous as it seems. you get a lot of shit off people and boss' and the targets are awful. give it a try if you want, you may like it, maybe it just wasn't for me, plus the guy running it when i was there was crap.


Anonymous said...

don`t mince your words amy!!!! take it you didn`t like it there then!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was that but now its Beresford Adams, and i think the guy that was there when you where was fired. The new guy seems nice and im just glad to be leaving this job to be honest, and its a lot more money! But ta', if i dont like it then never mind, i'll just do something else!

H xx

David Nield said...

good to hear you got there okay, see if you can spot Aslan.

Kel said...

When you revisit wellington find a place called lower hutt, find petone afc and ask them if they remember me...tall good looking prolific englander...they will def remember me with that description....!!! How's it going losers? Greg do you wanna go to Rome?

Kel said...

Oh email address is