Tuesday, February 13, 2007

hard rock cafe

tonight we went to the hard rock cafe in surfers paradise, for a "goodbye australia" meal.

we both had nice new clothes to wear... greg bought some new nudie jeans and i have a new dress.

hard rock lived up to it's reputation, as usual the walls were covered with rock memorabilia and there was a cool atmosphere.

greg tackled the 'legendary 10oz hard rock burger'.

whilst amy tried to take on a 'hickory bbq burger'.

both were delicious.

after the main course, we couldn't eat any more, so we decided to wait and have a drink before thinking about dessert.
greg had a pint for the first time in a while and amy had a cosmopolitan cocktail (and didn't realise at the time, but got to keep the glass... they even boxed it up for us... though we're not sure how we'll get it home in one piece).

for dessert, we went for a chocolate fudge brownie sundae, which was gone within seconds, mmm.

we'd also been looking at this hard rock hoody for a while, and as the sleeves were a bit too short for greg, amy bought it instead.

tonight was definitely a great end to what has been an amazing trip round australia!

tomorrow night is our last night, so we're cooking a meal for john and jo to say thanks. then we have a very early start on thursday when we set off for auckland.

we probably wont have as much chance to post blogs while in new zealand, but we'll try our best to get online at least once or twice a week.

see you all in 5 weeks!!! x x x


Anonymous said...

ahh, you both look lovely, glad you got the hoodie after all that debate, 1`m sure you managed to polish off that burger with ease greg, already restocking at No 4 in great readyness!!!!love mum and dad safe trip to nzxxx

David Nield said...

I love everything about this blog post, in particular the new clothes and the food.

David Nield said...

hope you get over to NZ okay.

David Nield said...

hope I win the blog comment competition.

David Nield said...

hope Prcy is counting.

David Nield said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Dave. Those new clothes are well tight.

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed my use of the Manchester vernacular for a witty double entendre above.

Anonymous said...

New Zealand sounds great.

Anonymous said...

I'll count them soon.

Anonymous said...

And Dave, you'll never win

David Nield said...

"New Zealand" sounds great?? are you even reading these posts?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'll write it again.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't very clear, was it?

Anonymous said...

New Zealand sounds like IT WILL BE great.

Anonymous said...

thats does not count boys !!! that cheating !!! not every one can lazy about all day with nothing to do except blog it !!!

Anonymous said...

any how if you reading this steve and elaine

Anonymous said...

hope you have a lovely hol in aussie when do you go about 4 weeks, greg and amy have well left their mark

Anonymous said...

and steve and elaine no the pics are not postcards

Anonymous said...

the pictures are real!!!!!

Anonymous said...

morning every one !!!!

David Nield said...

Greg's mum I can only stand and admire your blog commenting talents. I'm off to lazy about all day.