Thursday, December 07, 2006

yorkey's knob

we arrived in cairns this morning, the view from the plane wasn't very promising... it was cloudy and raining... however we stepped off the plane and found that it was really warm, quite an odd feeling!

we got picked up by the host of the apartments and taken to yorkeys knob where we are staying. the apartment is nice and the beach is less than a minutes walk away. we have found a nice little cafe with a computer complete with usb port so we can upload some pictures as soon as we take some. the guy running the cafe knows some people who play lacrosse for mellor, which is crazy as yorkeys knob is this tiny tiny little place... small world!

tomorrow we are going on cruise out to the great barrier reef and one of the cays. can't wait!!! will take lots of pictures, just hope that it's not as overcast tomorrow.

we are here til monday morning and while we are here also hope to go on the kuranda railway and skyrail (cable car), it's one of the main attractions in cairns and something recommended by ces (amy's grandad)!

just having a smoothie in this cafe then going for a walk along the beach... early start tomorrow so wont be a late one tonight.

we managed to see the united goals on the news which greg was happy about, though it's going to be quite difficult to watch the derby!

will update again soon as we can...

amy and greg x x x

ps. HAYLEY... that would be great if you can get us somewhere, we are moving onto a place called townsville, which we will need accommodation for on monday night, then down to the whitsunday coast for around a week after that... not sure on how much we want to pay... not too expensive, mid range stuff that looks nice and that you would stay in! thanks love! x


Anonymous said...

glad your there safe and sound xxxxxxxxxxx mum

Anonymous said...

Sorry every1, this is goin to be a boring blog about hotels for Aims and Greg. Townsville... Ive put the links on here so you can check out the websites for each hotel. Best Western Casino , its avail @ £39 ($98.75) canx pol is 1600 on 11/12. OR Holiday Inn Townsville £63 ($160)canx pol is 1800 on 10/12 , (this one looks really nice, but depends on how much you wana spend) OR Mercure Inn Townsville, avail @ £48 ($121) canx pol is 24 hours prior to arrival, , none of them include bfast unfortunatly hun. The prices are per room per night, not per person. Like you said, everything is miles appart in OZ, so you will need to check how far each of these hotels are from the centre. I'll post some other hotels for the other area later xx

Anonymous said...

Hi, me again, i had a look for hotels in Whitsunday, but cause its a coastline, its too big an area to search, if you know where your going eg, Proserpine, Mackay, Bowen etc, i can search those areas, as those are the towns within the coastline. let me know that dates and for how many nights and i'll post some stuff again for you. Have fun on the cruise, sounds amazing, I want to see lots of pics of crazy creatures

H xx

David Nield said...

good to hear you have got there, don't worry about the derby, I've heard it's a comfortable home win.

Anonymous said...

Hayley, this habit you've got into of leaving two posts on each page is definitely cheating.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry James, i'll make it three shall I?? ha ha, I had to do that to give Aims and Greg all the info they needed re hotels!
You're just jealous cause i might beat you...

David Nield said...

I think I'm falling behind but I'm pacing myself for Feb/March.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Thats just sad!

Anonymous said...

amy, mum tells me you've seen NEMO cool.xx

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Anonymous said...

If you like Jack. But I have to warn you, it could turn nasty! x

Anonymous said...

thats ok, i can do nasty!