Monday, December 04, 2006

melbourne again

today we went into melbourne again to have another look around. the weather forcast said it would be an average of 20 but we soon found out that was not the case.

last time we went into melbourne we didn't bring jackets and it was around 20 then and the wind made it a lot cooler... so this time we thought we'd come prepared, wearing jeans, trainers, and jackets... this was a big mistake, it was really hot and we ended up having to carry the jackets and we were way too hot in our jeans and trainers. however this wasn't going to spoil our fun.

we headed straight to brunswick street , partly because it was a place we knew how to get to, but mainly because it seemed a pretty cool place and marra had suggested a good place for lunch.

it was lunch time when we got to brunswick street so we headed straight for bimbo to try the pizza's marra had reccomended. we sat upstairs on the terrace which was really nice and really hot! the pizza's were good and only cost $4 (about 1.60 GBP), greg's pot of beer cost more than the pizza!

after lunch we had a wander up brunswick street stopping for a smoothie and milkshake along the way.

we both really like this part of melbourne and as we've said before, it really reminds us of camden town and the northern quarter. there are some really quirky little shops, cafe's and bar's all with weird and wonderful names such as 'bimbo' where we had lunch, 'shag' a clothes shop, and so on.

after leaving brunswick street we caught a tram to flinders street station and fed square. this huge station is considered one of the famous landmarks in melbourne and is opposite fed square.

by this time we were both very hot and wanted to get out of the busy city so we went for a walk round the royal botanic gardens which we were both very impressed with. the sun was hot and everything was really green - something we weren't used to seeing with the drought where we are staying in geelong.

the pathways in the garden follow round a lake, which was growing more and more appealing in the heat.

i was a bit wary of seeing some gigantic spider that would jump out and eat me, but despite seeing the odd cobweb i thankfully saw no spiders.

however we did see a black swan which was weird and nice, and some chinese guy was shoving his head and hands in it's face while a woman was taking his photo, me and greg were praying for the swan to bite him.

by the time we left the gardens we were both tired and so slowly headed back to the station, via the lolly shop, where i bought some rock while watching the guy make sweets.

all in all a really good, but tiring day... and we have now decided not to trust the weather forcasts at all because they are always wrong.

i'm sure there will be another blog update before we leave for cairns on thursday, hope everyone's well, love amy and greg x x x


Anonymous said...

I didn't know swans came in black!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

all the best things come in black in the new slimming colour !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how are you jack ? looking forward to christmas i bet, xxx

Anonymous said...

You never know Jack, Father Christmas might bring you a black swan!

If he doesn't, get a white one from Etherow and a tin of Dulux.

Anonymous said...

James ~ either you are up very early, or you go to bed very very late!!
Dont you know that the queen owns all of the swans, so nobody can have 1, Sorry Jack!

What are your plans for NYE guys??
It looks as though im going to the Bridge, as NYE is rubish and soo expensive ~ Greg, remember when we spent NYE in the Scott with James, and you two had a fight?? That was so funny!

David Nield said...

I like the look of the gardens. also this blog is very well tagged.

amy and greg said...

not sure on plans for new year. george, geo and phil are coming in a few weeks so we'll wait and see what they think. not sure if we'll be able to book in anywhere now so probably just get drunk and merry where we can.

greg says "it was hardly a fight, just someone had 15 beers too many and was being a pain in the arse"

new year is overrated!

Anonymous said...

Ok then, it wasnt a fight, we had to hide from him to get away though (only joking James).....

New Year is over rated, Xmas eve is the best night, might see James and Dave etc in the Spring Gardens!!!???

Hope you both are ok...

Love Hailz xx

Anonymous said...

have you tried a kiwi smoothie yeah, me and soph absolutly loves them! lol xxxxx:D

Anonymous said...

looks like you having a great time, make the most of it because you`ll be gutted on saturday when city beat united xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx take care love jonathan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

amy and greg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amy and greg said...

jess is that you? the "anonymous" comment?

but anyway no kiwi smoothies yet, maybe i'll give one a go sometime.

x x x

amy and greg said...

we're having a great time. it's going to get even better when united move 3 points nearer the title on saturday!
