Sunday, December 10, 2006

kuranda railway and skyrail

today we followed in my grandad ces' footsteps and went for a ride on the kuranda railway.

there was a museum explaining about how and why the railway was built, it was really interesting.

this is the carriage we were in...

the railway took us up and around huge mountains and rainforest's which was quite spectacular seeing the size of it all. it was built over 100 years ago, using just hand tools, which makes this railway even more impressive.

we passed barron falls on the way to kuranda...

then we stopped at a gorge, which was massive and quite cool...

once we got to kuranda we soon found out that there wasn't much to do other than shop and eat. we looked around for a bit and i bought a nice bracelet. then we found a shop like the one in melbourne where you can see them making the sweets...

we had lunch then went for a wander round the market, where we saw lots of shops selling kangaroo skins and animal claws and plenty of other disgusting things.... however there was one nice suprise, we saw a huge lizard just pottering round the market... hopefully he's not a handbag by now.

on the way back we took the skyrail over the top of the rainforest. we thought that it seemed a lot of money for a skyrail ride, however once we got in a cable car and got going we found out why! it was huge! very impressive!

we were right over the rainforest, there were some amazing views of the rivers, forest and the railway we came up on.

at one point we were so high that we couldn't see anything but cloud!

because the skyrail is so long, there's a point, about half way where you have to get off and board another line. at this point you can go on a board walk through the rainforest. we got out of the cable car and headed for the stairs down to the boards... we made it a few steps before seeing the biggest, most evil looking beast of a spider EVER! i decided that we should carry on anyway so we got a few more steps before seeing his big brother! at this point we both decided we had seen enough of the rainforest!

thats all for today, we are about to go and have some tea and try and see the united goals from staurday's game.

tomorrow morning we have a 7 hour train ride to townsville, where we are staying for the night, before another mammoth journey to the whitsunday coast.

hope everyone is well, we'll be back in touch when we can!

love us! x x x


Anonymous said...

pair of cowards!!!!!!! bet it was not as big as our beastie on the garage!!stay safe xxxxmum

Anonymous said...

why didn't you take a picture of the huge spider & his brother? i am really missing you.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

is it getting christmasy in australia? we put our tree up from jack xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

no i was too scared to get a picture of it!

it was huge jack and it was staring at me!! haha!

mum, seriously, it was a beast, you would have been scared!

missing you too jack! LOVE YOU!

x x x

Anonymous said...

you only gave me 3 kisses, i gave you loads,but i still love you anyway. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

David Nield said...

that lizard reminds me of the coach in Venice!

I love Jack too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

haha the lizard on the coach! hope there wasnt any on the way down to whitsunday Islands! my Uggs havnt arrived yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
speak to you soon:D love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

haha beat you all!