Wednesday, December 27, 2006

boxing day test

after a much enjoyed christmas day and a lack of sleep we set off for the boxing day test at the mcg. despite the lack of sleep everyone was in joyous mood ahead of the day, even cricket's biggest fan amy ward.

when we arrived at the ground we were greeted by typical australian summer weather...... cold, wet and windy! we made our way into the ground and began our climb to the very top row of the mcg. after an exhausting search for our seats we were suprisingly pleased by the good view, and protection from the elements.

the atmosphere in the ground was great and the mcg itself was an amazing sight. there was a crowd of over 89,000 in the ground.

not sure if you can see the rain in this picture but at one point it was so heavy it felt like we were at home in manchester.

marra, his friend jad and geo sat in the block next to us, a few rows down.

due to a mixture of rain delays and under performing, england didn't fare too well. but it seemed like every person there, aussie and english were stood up cheering when warne got his 700th wicket.

we all had a great day at the test, it was an experience that will stay with us for a long time.

after the cricket we made our way to the crown casino... we've never seen phil so excited. we got a couple of good pictures of melbourne city, which is quite an impressive sight.

your not meant to take any pictures inside the casino but i got one, though it doesn't show much. the crown complex is massive, it has two hotels, loads of posh shops, restaurants and of course the casino. a few of us had never been in a casino before and it was like something out of a film, really dark but with lots of flashing lights, lots of gold everywhere and definitely some odd characters in there!

after a while of wandering round, getting lost and losing people we decided it was time to eat. we chose a place called 'georges pasta pizza and grill' which looked really nice. the food took ages but it was nice in the end.

by the time we left it was dark and the city lights looked amazing.

after the hour long train journey and a rather interesting cab ride, we finally got back to marra's about 12.15am... 16 hours after we had set off that morning.

it was a long day to say the least but we all had an amazing time and it was good to be able to spend it with our friends.


Anonymous said...

We have just been out in Geelong and met a women who shagged english cricketer Liam Plunket a few nights ago!

She gave us his number so we are going to give him some shit because he could have done much better!!

David Nield said...

doesn't Plunkett play for Durham? I went to watch them against Lancashire once and got in for free.

another great blog post, I stayed up until about 2am watching the cricket but couldn't spot any of you in the stands.

David Nield said...

GC GC give us a wave

Anonymous said...

well i was up at 5am and didn`t see any one in the crowds but knew where you where roughly, so i give you all a big wave, then went back to bed!!!

Anonymous said...

hey guys!! Merry Christmas and i hope you have a wonderful new year whatever your doing! I saw Percy, Mrs W and Jack on Friday at Rose Hill, and Jack made a great reindeer! Like i said, dont really have much computer acess at home, so will pop in to say Hi again when i get back to work next week!
Lots of love Hailz xx

Anonymous said...

hi mate has took me weeks to work out how to get on the shagging page - we r crap at cricket but i take it u know that as u were there looks like u had a 10men time - hope u both ok - do u want ticket 4 test match at trent bridge? not sure of date if you do will see if can sort out - later

Anonymous said...

That's amazing.

Isn't he only in the squad as Paul Collingwood's translator?

kel said...


kel said...

First fat bloke....wonders will never cease! Merry Xmas guys from all the kelly's. Max is still opening pressies (5 days later) he got that many. Do you wanna go and see the scissor sisters in June/july at the MEN....matt,jon,me,tez and 2 chicks.....have a gud un.