Thursday, March 22, 2007

singapore airport

hello again everyone.

we've arrived at singapore airport after a 7 hour flight from sydney.

we're both okay but very tired. at least it feels like we're well on our way home now.

our flight is running about ten minutes late so if we have any more similar delays we could have quite a rush at heathrow, but nothing to worry about too much.

we've only got a short wait till we're boarding our plane again. planning to try and sleep for quite a while on the next flight.

well i don't think there's much more to tell you about.

see you soon x


David Nield said...

no news from home to report. it's cold and wet. but I'm sure you won't mind.

Anonymous said...

comp playing it so not sure if i will read all your emails keep texting

Anonymous said...

looking forward to your return, text me when your back, will be seeing you both on Saturday anyway! i will have to get the fake tan out so i dont look like a ghost next to you both, which means i will smell of biscuits! Dave i started my new job this week so really busy! Aimz i can tell you about it, its all gone wrong, and you can say i told you so!
Cant wait to see you
Love Hailz xx

Anonymous said...

up and running again thanks to dave xxxxxx nearly time!!!!